Thank you to everyone that attended our first PAC meetings in September. Our PAC officers for the 2021-2022 school year are Brittany Proefke, Kristin Wollett, Sara Zuger, and Amy Luben. The Robin’s Nest PAC is open to all parents and members of PHUMC who wish to actively support our school. PAC meetings are generally the first Thursday and Friday of the month upstairs at 9:15 a.m. Come join a committee and make new friends. Siblings are welcome!


Raise Craze fundraiser is going to end on October 4th. This fundraiser has encouraged the children to live a life full of compassion, empathy, gratitude and to give back to others! It has been so fun to see them spread kindness in our community. Thank you to all who have participated and there are a few days left for anyone who wants to join our fundraiser. We appreciate the support you give the Robin’s Nest!


Operation Christmas Child is our fall mission. We could not be happier to take part in this amazing cause. Let the packing of shoeboxes begin! Every shoebox gift delivered by Operation Christmas Child is a tangible expression of God’s amazing love. Flyers will go out October 11th and12th with important details.


Calling all animals to the ark! The Robin’s Nest 3 and 4-year-old classes will parade around the sanctuary in their animal costumes and sing some songs about Noah and his Ark. Parents are asked to bring their child to school dressed in an animal costume (no costume masks or accessories; shoes are required) the morning of their event. Please also bring a change of clothes in a labeled bag. Everyone is invited to come and watch the Noah’s Ark Parade at 9:30 a.m. in the sanctuary. Adults are asked to wear masks and please social distance at all times in the sanctuary.

  •  Thursday, Oct. 28th: Parent/Terrio, Martz/Menke, Bombar/Glass
  •  Friday, Oct. 29th: Dominie/Raborn, Parent/Terrio, Dorsett/Lilly, Alvarez/Probst


CONGRATULATIONS – Our list of community partners is growing, 29 adoptions and counting! We are happy to inform you that the following businesses and/or families have adopted a classroom/school:

The Terrio Family                                  

The Proefke Family                               

The Kriever Family

The Popa Family

The Knelligner Family (VPK)                   

The Knellinger Family (5 day 3’s)            

The Bou-Sliman Family

The Nollmann Family                             

The Turner Family

The McCoy Family                                 

Burn Boot Camp Westchase

One Family Insurance, LLC                    

The Doherty Family

The Palma Family (VPK)                         

The Palma Family (Music)                      

The Palma Family (School)

Loren and Brittany Shumard

The Schmidt Family                                           

The Fazzini Family        

Skyway Architects and Assoc.                

Myers Healthcare Consulting

The  Kalil Family                                             

Hawkeye Consturction of South Florida, Inc.

The Savor Family                                            

Rashael Stasney

Dr and Mrs. Kerry E. Chamberlain (2 day2’s)

Dr and Mrs. Kerry E. Chamberlain (Music)

Southwest Pool Finshers, Inc.

The Barnaky Family

A big thank you goes to all who have participated in the adoption program. Adoption forms are located on the table outside the office!


Sept. 30 & Oct. 1    PAC meetings 9:15 a.m.

Oct. 4 & 5                Firetruck Visit

Oct. 13                   DunnDee Farms

Oct. 18                   Special Chapel Alvarez/Probst

Oct. 19                   Special Chapel Bombar/Glass

Oct. 6                     Conferences for the 3-day 2’s and 3-day 3’s classes

                               No School for 3-day 2’s and 3-day 3’s

                                Please note 5-day 3’s and 4’s (VPK) will have class!

Oct. 7                     Conferences for the 2-day 2’s, 2-day 3’s, 5-day 3’s, and all VPK

                                NO SCHOOL for all children

Oct. 8                     NO SCHOOL

Oct. 28                   Noah’s Ark Parade at 9:30 a.m. – rooms 108, 114, 116

Oct. 29                   Noah’s Ark Parade at 9:30 a.m. – rooms 102, 104, 108, 110

Follow us on Facebook at: PHUMC The Robin’s Nest