Get in on the fun and excitement with our Spring Basket Fundraiser. The fundraiser will be online using Snowball Fundraising with a sneak peak in the church lobby on Monday 12th and Tuesday the 13th. Don’t let your favorite basket walk away with someone else! Fundraiser begins April 12th and ends promptly April 16th at 10:30am.


Don’t miss out on our April PAC meeting! Plans and preparations will begin for Robin’s Nest 2021-2022 school year. Our parent volunteers play a big role in supporting our preschool program. PAC needs your support. There are many opportunities to serve. Please come join us on April 8th or 9th or email us at robinsnestpac@gmail.com. Children welcome!

Mother’s Day Chapel

We will have a special Mother’s Day chapel for all of our Mom’s. Our students have been working hard to learn some special Mother’s Day songs in music class. We will send an invitation to personally invite you to Mother’s Day chapel. If you cannot make it, then please feel free to send a Grandmother, Aunt, Cousin, etc. in your place.

May 3rd at 11:30 3 day 2’s, 3 day 3’s and VPK – Alvarez/Probst and Dorsett/Terrio

May 4th 11:30 2 day 2’s, 2 day 3’s, 5 day 3’s and VPK – Martz/Menke and Bombar/Glass


The 4’s classes will be participating in a graduation celebration on Tuesday, May 25. The graduation celebration will take place in the Palm Harbor United Methodist Church sanctuary. We will be sending home an invitation with your child’s graduation details. This ceremony is for immediate family only.  Remember that your VPK child must attend school on May 25th in order to be listed with the state of Florida as having completed the Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten program.

Pizza Party

Our April Pizza Party will be on Wednesday, April 14th. Forms will go home with our 3 and 4 year old classes to sign up for the party. Sign up forms are due by Monday, April 12th.


Please remember to hold your child’s hand when walking to and from the parking lot. Also make sure your child avoids the bushes and climbing or jumping in the landscape areas. These areas are not safe play areas.


April 1 and 2nd                                NO SCHOOL

April 8th and 9th                              PAC Meeting @ 9:15 a.m.

April 12th – 16th                              Spring Basket Fundraiser

May 3rd and 4th                             Mother’s Day Chapel

May 10th – 14h                               Teacher Appreciation Week

May 24th                                         Last day of school for 3-day classes

May 25th                                         Last day of school for all 2-day and 5-day classes and VPK Graduation

No Extended on Last Day!

Early Dismissal 10:45 for all 2’s and 3’s classes and 12:00 for all VPK



Back to school dates for the 2021 -2022 school year are as follows:

Monday, August 16th                   Parent Open House

Tuesday, August 17th                  Meet and Greet for ALL Students (by appointment)

Wednesday, August 18th            First day of school 3 day classes, 5 day classes and VPK

Thursday, August 19th                 First Day 2 day classes